The Rev. Henry Scudder, listed in the Dictionary of National Biography, was a brother of Thomas Scudder who emigrated to New England with his Family in 1630’s. Henry was granted an M.A. at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1606, and afterwards he became Minister at Drayton, Oxfordshire, when he married Elizabeth Hunt on 7th June, 1608, at Banbury, Oxfordshire; she was the daughter of George Hunt longtime Rector of Collingbourne Ducis whose Father John Hunt had been sentenced to be burnt at the stake under Queen Mary (Salisbury Martyrs) but narrowly escaped by virtue of her timely death in 1558 and the accession of Elizabeth I; her sister Martha Hunt married the Rev. William Whately, the "Roaring Boy of Banbury. Elizabeth died in her early twenties and there was a monument to her in the chancel wall of Leamington Parish Church, but this was destroyed by fire in 1699. Henry later married Joyce Savage, a widow, of Halse in Northamptonshire, who received an annuity under his will only, any other inheritance being excluded by a ‘pre-nuptial agreement’; she died in 1660.
In 1633 he was presented by the King to the living of Collingbourne Ducis, near Marlborough, Wiltshire. He held Presbyterian views and in June 1643 was summoned to the Westminster Assembly of Divines. When in June 1645 an order came from the House of Commons to pray for the forces, Henry was one of the four preachers assigned to Aldgate, and was Minister at St. Mildred’s Poultry, London, 1645-6. On 6th April, 1647, he “made report of the review of the proofs of the ‘Confession of Faith’ of the seven first chapters and part of the eighth.” On 9th February, 1648, his name was added to the Committee for the scriptures.
Henry preached a sermon on October 30th, 1644, at Margaret’s, Westminster, entitled “Gods warn-ing to England By the Voyce of his ROD” saying “…be enemies never so powerful and malicious, we need not fear them, it shall not be as they intend, either for the greatnesse or continuance of the Evil which they would bring upon us, but according to the will of God, who has given them charge to afflict us..…I have only this main suite unto you, that you would continue resolute for God, and his True Religion, for the Kings Majesties just Rights, for the Lawes of the Kingdome, and the Liberties to which we are all born.” before the assembled members of the House of Commons. His sermon was printed at the request of the House and renowned among his writ-ings are “The Christians Daily Walke in Holy Securitie and Peace”, published in 1627, a celebrated devotional work, comparable to today’s “Daily Bread” and “The Upper Room”, daily devotionals used among Protestant denominations in the U.S. The sixth edition was issued in 1635, the fifteenth published in 1813 and the last edition in 1826; a German translation appeared in Frankfurt in 1636.
The will of “Henry Scudder of Collingborne Ducis in the County of Wiltes Minister of the Gospell of Je-sus Christ” (dated 12th day of February 1651/2 and pro-bated the last day of May 1652) reads “I give to my Brother Thomas Scudder, and to all his Sonnes and his daughter Elizabeth now in New England twenty shillinges a peece.” and “I give to my Cousin Bridgett Giles and to my Cousins John Scudder and Elizabeth Lathrop now in New England twenty shillinges a peece.”
Henry died early in 1652 and was buried in the Church at Collingbourne Ducis but his body was removed after the Restoration.
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace in beleeving. And the God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepeheard of the sheep, by the blood of the everlasting Covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen.” The Christians Daily Walke
Venn Database - Alumnii Cantabrigienses
Compiled by Simon Skudder February, 2003.
Sources: Dictionary of National Biography; Will of Henry Skudder; The Christians Daily Walke in Holy Securitie & Peace published 1627; Alumni Cantabrigienses published 1927; Sermon published 1644 by Philemon Stevens & Edward Blackmore, Pauls Churchyard; Cambridge University Archives; The Scudder Association Inc. “Scudder Searches”.
The Rev. Henry Scudder, listed in the Dictionary of National Biography, was a brother of Thomas Scudder who emigrated to New England with his Family in 1630’s. Henry was granted an M.A. at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1606, and afterwards he became Minister at Drayton, Oxfordshire, when he married Elizabeth Hunt on 7th June, 1608, at Banbury, Oxfordshire; she was the daughter of George Hunt longtime Rector of Collingbourne Ducis whose Father John Hunt had been sentenced to be burnt at the stake under Queen Mary (Salisbury Martyrs) but narrowly escaped by virtue of her timely death in 1558 and the accession of Elizabeth I; her sister Martha Hunt married the Rev. William Whately, the "Roaring Boy of Banbury. Elizabeth died in her early twenties and there was a monument to her in the chancel wall of Leamington Parish Church, but this was destroyed by fire in 1699. Henry later married Joyce Savage, a widow, of Halse in Northamptonshire, who received an annuity under his will only, any other inheritance being excluded by a ‘pre-nuptial agreement’; she died in 1660.
In 1633 he was presented by the King to the living of Collingbourne Ducis, near Marlborough, Wiltshire. He held Presbyterian views and in June 1643 was summoned to the Westminster Assembly of Divines. When in June 1645 an order came from the House of Commons to pray for the forces, Henry was one of the four preachers assigned to Aldgate, and was Minister at St. Mildred’s Poultry, London, 1645-6. On 6th April, 1647, he “made report of the review of the proofs of the ‘Confession of Faith’ of the seven first chapters and part of the eighth.” On 9th February, 1648, his name was added to the Committee for the scriptures.
Henry preached a sermon on October 30th, 1644, at Margaret’s, Westminster, entitled “Gods warn-ing to England By the Voyce of his ROD” saying “…be enemies never so powerful and malicious, we need not fear them, it shall not be as they intend, either for the greatnesse or continuance of the Evil which they would bring upon us, but according to the will of God, who has given them charge to afflict us..…I have only this main suite unto you, that you would continue resolute for God, and his True Religion, for the Kings Majesties just Rights, for the Lawes of the Kingdome, and the Liberties to which we are all born.” before the assembled members of the House of Commons. His sermon was printed at the request of the House and renowned among his writ-ings are “The Christians Daily Walke in Holy Securitie and Peace”, published in 1627, a celebrated devotional work, comparable to today’s “Daily Bread” and “The Upper Room”, daily devotionals used among Protestant denominations in the U.S. The sixth edition was issued in 1635, the fifteenth published in 1813 and the last edition in 1826; a German translation appeared in Frankfurt in 1636.
The will of “Henry Scudder of Collingborne Ducis in the County of Wiltes Minister of the Gospell of Je-sus Christ” (dated 12th day of February 1651/2 and pro-bated the last day of May 1652) reads “I give to my Brother Thomas Scudder, and to all his Sonnes and his daughter Elizabeth now in New England twenty shillinges a peece.” and “I give to my Cousin Bridgett Giles and to my Cousins John Scudder and Elizabeth Lathrop now in New England twenty shillinges a peece.”
Henry died early in 1652 and was buried in the Church at Collingbourne Ducis but his body was removed after the Restoration.
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace in beleeving. And the God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepeheard of the sheep, by the blood of the everlasting Covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen.” The Christians Daily Walke
Venn Database - Alumnii Cantabrigienses
Compiled by Simon Skudder February, 2003.
Sources: Dictionary of National Biography; Will of Henry Skudder; The Christians Daily Walke in Holy Securitie & Peace published 1627; Alumni Cantabrigienses published 1927; Sermon published 1644 by Philemon Stevens & Edward Blackmore, Pauls Churchyard; Cambridge University Archives; The Scudder Association Inc. “Scudder Searches”.
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with introductions by Thomas Chalmers D.D., 1826, Dr. John Owen, 1673/4, Mr. Richard Baxter, 1673/4, and John Davenport.
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Click on the Title to see full version of this work
with introductions by Thomas Chalmers D.D., 1826, Dr. John Owen, 1673/4, Mr. Richard Baxter, 1673/4, and John Davenport.
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Extracts from the Sermon
Will of HENRY SCUDDER of Collingbourne Ducis 1651
The twentieth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred ffifty one
Knowe all men by these presents (whom it may anyway concerne) that I, Henry Scudder of Collingbourne Ducis in the County of Wiltes Minister of the Gospell of Jesus Christ, being in very good health and of sound mind and good of memory (praised be God. Considering my mortality and it is good to mind my latter End and to bee prepared for my death, and to sett my house in order before I dye: I doe here (haveing first revoked all former wills and testaments) make and publish this my last will and testament in manner as followeth.
ffirst I comend my soule to God my heavenly ffather, who of his free grace and exceeding Riches of his love hath redeemed me by the blood of his deare and only sonne Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. And my Body to be buried (when my soule and it shall be severed) at the discretion of my Executors to rest in hope of a blessed Resurrection.
As for my Lands, plate and goods which God of his abundant goodness hath liberally given me (for which I give him hearty thanks) I doe bequeath and give as followeth.
ffirst I give to my daughter Jane Russell, and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten, all my house and lands withall their appurtenances lyeing and being in ffornam Row in the parish of Husband Tarrant in the County of Southampton, and for want of such heires to the right heires of me the above said Henry Scudder.
Item I give to my daughter Martha Jacob and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten all my Lands and tenements, which shall be next mentioned, namely, one house and lands with appurtenances, lyeing in the parish of Horton Kirby in the County of Kent, now in the tennure and occupation of Nicholas Ray, Alsoe one house and lands with the appurtenances lyeing in the parish of Horton p'dict, and one meadow called Prickes Meade, lyeing in the parish of Horton p'dict and Sutton at Hone, all now in the tennure and occupation of Robert Peade sic (Reade), alsoe twoe other houses together with Orchards and Gardens thereto belonging, lyeing at Chappell Greene in the parish of Horton p'dict now lett by Lease unto Nicholas Jinks and for want of such heires to my right heires.
Item I give to my daughter Bridgett Graile for the whole terme of her naturall life my house and lands now in the tennure and occupation of Widow Boomer, or her Assignes with all their appurtenances lyeing and being in South Darant in the parish of Horton aforesaid, also two houses in the Chalkdale, with my lands in the Oxen:downes, now thereunto belonging, now in the tennure and occupation of Mr. William Burkell or his Assignes, also one other house with lands thereunto belonging now in the tennure and occupation of John Chester, all the former and this also, lyeing and being in the parish of Horton aforesaid. All which houses and Lands, with the appurtenances given to the abovesaid Bridgett Grayle for the tennure of her life I give unto Henry Grayle to him and to the heires of his body, lawfully begotten, and for want of such heires to the right heires of the above named Bridgett Grayle for ever.
Item I give to Elizabeth Tombes (the only daughter to my daughter Elizabeth deceased) when she shall fulfill the yeares of one and twenty and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten my house and Landes at Rabbitts with all their appurtenances now in the tennure and occupation of Richard Johnson lyeing and being in the parish of Horton Kirby in the County of Kent aforesaid, also one other house with the Land and appurtenances thereunto belonging, upon Chappell Greene in the parish of Horton aforesaid in the tennure and occupation of Robert Chandler, And for want of such heires to the right heyres of me Henry Scudder. And my will is that untill the said Elizabeth shall fulfill the yeares of one and twenty the said houses and Landes bequeathed to her shall be in the power and at the disposeing of my Executors for the maintenance of the said Elizabeth and towards a portion to be raised for her of the Overplus, not spent in her maintenance, which is to be paid to her by my Executors at the age of one and twenty yeares. And my will is that shee remaine with one of my Executors till shee reach to the age of one and twenty yeares.
Now concerning all the before bequeathed houses and lands be it alwaies provided and my will is that an yearly annuity of twenty pounds a yeare be yearely paid to my loveing wife Joyce Scudder for her life out of all my said lands by my daughters Jane, Martha and Bridgett aforesaid, and by my Granddaughter Elizabeth Tombes by equal proportions, namely five pounds a peece at the first and twentieth of March by Jane and Martha and on the one and twentieth of September five poundes a peece by Bridgett and Elizabeth under this provisoe that my said wife claime noe Third or Dower, according to an obligation she entered into before marriage, which if she anyway claimed, or doe molest my said Children or Grandchild I will that my Executors take advantage of the obligation and shee is to have noe Annuity. Bee it also provided and my will is, that if any reall trouble or encumbrance shall happen to any of the foure before mentioned to whom I have given my landes or to their heires within tenne yeares after my decease soe that they cannot enioy what I have given each of them my will is that the person or persons that peaceably enioy their Legacy shall equally beare a part in the trouble disturbance or losse out of the lands which I have given them. But if their be noe such reall disturbance; my will is that each shall have my Landes and houses as before I did give them. I made this proviso in confidence that my said Children and Grandchild knowing my will, that they will therrefully fulfill it which Charge I lay upon them and their heires to whom I have given my lands aforesaid, as ever they would expect, that God should blesse to them that which I have given unto them.
Item I give to all my Grandchildren vis: the Children of my daughters, Jane, Martha and Bridgett which shall be liveing at my decease twenty poundes a peace, to be delivered to each of their parents to begin staikes for them and to be paid to them with improvement (if any be) when they shall fulfill the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to all my said Grandchildren (except such to whom I have given a peece of plate already) three pounds a peece to buy for each a peece of silver plate whereon the Letters of mine and their names are to be stamped.
Item I give to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Tombes one hundred and ffifty pounds to be paid to her at the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to my Brother Thomas Scudder, and to all his Sonnes and his daughter Elizabeth now in new England twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Bridgett Giles and to my Cousins John Scudder and Elizabeth Lathrop now in new England twenty shillings a peece.
Item I forgive my Cousin William Tomkins the twenty poundes which he owes me upon Bills.
Item I forgive my Cousins Henry Scudder, John Wright and Bridgett Jervise all which they owe me.
Item I give my Sonnes in Lawe Mr. John Tombes, Mr. Richard Russell and Thomas Jacob and to my Cousins Mr. Richard Stevens, Mr. Thomas Taylor and Mr. Thomas Whately. to each of them one of my Bookes not being part of such? Authors and consist of divers bookes or severall volumes each to chuse in order as they are before mentioned.
I give to my wife the best English booke she shall chuse being not given.
Item I give to the poore of Collingbourne Ducis tenne poundes.
Item I give to my Cousin Margery Kilby five poundes.
Item I give to all my servants that shall dwell with me at my decease twenty shilling a peece.
Item my will is that if my Boy Vincent Benner shall live with and doe faithfull service to any of my Executors or to such persons where my Executors shall place him, and continue till he be of the age of foure and twenty yeares, he shall have given him tenne poundes by my Executors.
Item my will is that the house with appurtenances and ffifty acres and a halfe of Land lyeing in the great parke in Savernarke (which I bought in the name of my Sonne Thos Jacob using him in trust, putting in his name in and for the terms of the lives of my Grandchildren Richard Russell, Thomas Jacob and John Graile) be reputed to be as my goods and Chattells to be to my Executors.
Lastly I give all my goods and plate and Chattells unbequeathed unto my three daughters, Jane Russell, Martha Jacob and Bridgett Graile to be equally divided betweene them whom I appoint and make joynt executors of this my last will and Testament. In confidence of them and of my loveing Sonnes in Lawe their husbands that they will all lovingly accord and not wittingly wrong one another, and that they will all doe their best, that this my will be fulfilled which that they may doe I commend them to the blessing of mine and their God and ffather to whom be all glory and thanks being for his goodness and mercy for evermore.
To this my last will and Testament I have sett my hand and seale the twentieth day of ffebruary One thousand six hundred ffifty one.
Henry Scudder
Memorandum: that the words viz:?
(to be equally devided betweene them)
were interlined before the sealing hereof.
Humfrey Chambers
Tho: Jacob
Bartholl: Tookie
An Addition to this my will the twoe and twentieth day of March 1651
First my will is that my daughter Martha Jacob shall have threescore poundes towardes the setting of her foure old houses in repaire.
Item my will is that my daughter Bridgett Grayle shall have forty pounds towards the setting her old housing in repaire.
Item I give to Elizabeth Tomkins and to each of her Children twenty shilling a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Anne Gaudrens? Children twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Samuell Wright twenty shillings.
Item I give to my Cousin Cobbs Children twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Elizabeth Copes Children twenty shillings a peece.
Henry Scudder
Witnesses hereunto
Richard Russell
Thomas Jacob
This Will was proved at London before Sir Nathaniell Brent Knight Garter of Lawes and Master and keeper of the prorogation Court lawfully constituted the last day of May one thousand six hundred ffifty twoe. By the Oathes of Jane Russell, Martha Jacob and Bridgett Graile Executors named in the said will. To whom was committed Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased. They being first sworne truly to administer the same.//
The twentieth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred ffifty one
Knowe all men by these presents (whom it may anyway concerne) that I, Henry Scudder of Collingbourne Ducis in the County of Wiltes Minister of the Gospell of Jesus Christ, being in very good health and of sound mind and good of memory (praised be God. Considering my mortality and it is good to mind my latter End and to bee prepared for my death, and to sett my house in order before I dye: I doe here (haveing first revoked all former wills and testaments) make and publish this my last will and testament in manner as followeth.
ffirst I comend my soule to God my heavenly ffather, who of his free grace and exceeding Riches of his love hath redeemed me by the blood of his deare and only sonne Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. And my Body to be buried (when my soule and it shall be severed) at the discretion of my Executors to rest in hope of a blessed Resurrection.
As for my Lands, plate and goods which God of his abundant goodness hath liberally given me (for which I give him hearty thanks) I doe bequeath and give as followeth.
ffirst I give to my daughter Jane Russell, and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten, all my house and lands withall their appurtenances lyeing and being in ffornam Row in the parish of Husband Tarrant in the County of Southampton, and for want of such heires to the right heires of me the above said Henry Scudder.
Item I give to my daughter Martha Jacob and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten all my Lands and tenements, which shall be next mentioned, namely, one house and lands with appurtenances, lyeing in the parish of Horton Kirby in the County of Kent, now in the tennure and occupation of Nicholas Ray, Alsoe one house and lands with the appurtenances lyeing in the parish of Horton p'dict, and one meadow called Prickes Meade, lyeing in the parish of Horton p'dict and Sutton at Hone, all now in the tennure and occupation of Robert Peade sic (Reade), alsoe twoe other houses together with Orchards and Gardens thereto belonging, lyeing at Chappell Greene in the parish of Horton p'dict now lett by Lease unto Nicholas Jinks and for want of such heires to my right heires.
Item I give to my daughter Bridgett Graile for the whole terme of her naturall life my house and lands now in the tennure and occupation of Widow Boomer, or her Assignes with all their appurtenances lyeing and being in South Darant in the parish of Horton aforesaid, also two houses in the Chalkdale, with my lands in the Oxen:downes, now thereunto belonging, now in the tennure and occupation of Mr. William Burkell or his Assignes, also one other house with lands thereunto belonging now in the tennure and occupation of John Chester, all the former and this also, lyeing and being in the parish of Horton aforesaid. All which houses and Lands, with the appurtenances given to the abovesaid Bridgett Grayle for the tennure of her life I give unto Henry Grayle to him and to the heires of his body, lawfully begotten, and for want of such heires to the right heires of the above named Bridgett Grayle for ever.
Item I give to Elizabeth Tombes (the only daughter to my daughter Elizabeth deceased) when she shall fulfill the yeares of one and twenty and to the heires of her body lawfully begotten my house and Landes at Rabbitts with all their appurtenances now in the tennure and occupation of Richard Johnson lyeing and being in the parish of Horton Kirby in the County of Kent aforesaid, also one other house with the Land and appurtenances thereunto belonging, upon Chappell Greene in the parish of Horton aforesaid in the tennure and occupation of Robert Chandler, And for want of such heires to the right heyres of me Henry Scudder. And my will is that untill the said Elizabeth shall fulfill the yeares of one and twenty the said houses and Landes bequeathed to her shall be in the power and at the disposeing of my Executors for the maintenance of the said Elizabeth and towards a portion to be raised for her of the Overplus, not spent in her maintenance, which is to be paid to her by my Executors at the age of one and twenty yeares. And my will is that shee remaine with one of my Executors till shee reach to the age of one and twenty yeares.
Now concerning all the before bequeathed houses and lands be it alwaies provided and my will is that an yearly annuity of twenty pounds a yeare be yearely paid to my loveing wife Joyce Scudder for her life out of all my said lands by my daughters Jane, Martha and Bridgett aforesaid, and by my Granddaughter Elizabeth Tombes by equal proportions, namely five pounds a peece at the first and twentieth of March by Jane and Martha and on the one and twentieth of September five poundes a peece by Bridgett and Elizabeth under this provisoe that my said wife claime noe Third or Dower, according to an obligation she entered into before marriage, which if she anyway claimed, or doe molest my said Children or Grandchild I will that my Executors take advantage of the obligation and shee is to have noe Annuity. Bee it also provided and my will is, that if any reall trouble or encumbrance shall happen to any of the foure before mentioned to whom I have given my landes or to their heires within tenne yeares after my decease soe that they cannot enioy what I have given each of them my will is that the person or persons that peaceably enioy their Legacy shall equally beare a part in the trouble disturbance or losse out of the lands which I have given them. But if their be noe such reall disturbance; my will is that each shall have my Landes and houses as before I did give them. I made this proviso in confidence that my said Children and Grandchild knowing my will, that they will therrefully fulfill it which Charge I lay upon them and their heires to whom I have given my lands aforesaid, as ever they would expect, that God should blesse to them that which I have given unto them.
Item I give to all my Grandchildren vis: the Children of my daughters, Jane, Martha and Bridgett which shall be liveing at my decease twenty poundes a peace, to be delivered to each of their parents to begin staikes for them and to be paid to them with improvement (if any be) when they shall fulfill the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to all my said Grandchildren (except such to whom I have given a peece of plate already) three pounds a peece to buy for each a peece of silver plate whereon the Letters of mine and their names are to be stamped.
Item I give to my Granddaughter Elizabeth Tombes one hundred and ffifty pounds to be paid to her at the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to my Brother Thomas Scudder, and to all his Sonnes and his daughter Elizabeth now in new England twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Bridgett Giles and to my Cousins John Scudder and Elizabeth Lathrop now in new England twenty shillings a peece.
Item I forgive my Cousin William Tomkins the twenty poundes which he owes me upon Bills.
Item I forgive my Cousins Henry Scudder, John Wright and Bridgett Jervise all which they owe me.
Item I give my Sonnes in Lawe Mr. John Tombes, Mr. Richard Russell and Thomas Jacob and to my Cousins Mr. Richard Stevens, Mr. Thomas Taylor and Mr. Thomas Whately. to each of them one of my Bookes not being part of such? Authors and consist of divers bookes or severall volumes each to chuse in order as they are before mentioned.
I give to my wife the best English booke she shall chuse being not given.
Item I give to the poore of Collingbourne Ducis tenne poundes.
Item I give to my Cousin Margery Kilby five poundes.
Item I give to all my servants that shall dwell with me at my decease twenty shilling a peece.
Item my will is that if my Boy Vincent Benner shall live with and doe faithfull service to any of my Executors or to such persons where my Executors shall place him, and continue till he be of the age of foure and twenty yeares, he shall have given him tenne poundes by my Executors.
Item my will is that the house with appurtenances and ffifty acres and a halfe of Land lyeing in the great parke in Savernarke (which I bought in the name of my Sonne Thos Jacob using him in trust, putting in his name in and for the terms of the lives of my Grandchildren Richard Russell, Thomas Jacob and John Graile) be reputed to be as my goods and Chattells to be to my Executors.
Lastly I give all my goods and plate and Chattells unbequeathed unto my three daughters, Jane Russell, Martha Jacob and Bridgett Graile to be equally divided betweene them whom I appoint and make joynt executors of this my last will and Testament. In confidence of them and of my loveing Sonnes in Lawe their husbands that they will all lovingly accord and not wittingly wrong one another, and that they will all doe their best, that this my will be fulfilled which that they may doe I commend them to the blessing of mine and their God and ffather to whom be all glory and thanks being for his goodness and mercy for evermore.
To this my last will and Testament I have sett my hand and seale the twentieth day of ffebruary One thousand six hundred ffifty one.
Henry Scudder
Memorandum: that the words viz:?
(to be equally devided betweene them)
were interlined before the sealing hereof.
Humfrey Chambers
Tho: Jacob
Bartholl: Tookie
An Addition to this my will the twoe and twentieth day of March 1651
First my will is that my daughter Martha Jacob shall have threescore poundes towardes the setting of her foure old houses in repaire.
Item my will is that my daughter Bridgett Grayle shall have forty pounds towards the setting her old housing in repaire.
Item I give to Elizabeth Tomkins and to each of her Children twenty shilling a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Anne Gaudrens? Children twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Samuell Wright twenty shillings.
Item I give to my Cousin Cobbs Children twenty shillings a peece.
Item I give to my Cousin Elizabeth Copes Children twenty shillings a peece.
Henry Scudder
Witnesses hereunto
Richard Russell
Thomas Jacob
This Will was proved at London before Sir Nathaniell Brent Knight Garter of Lawes and Master and keeper of the prorogation Court lawfully constituted the last day of May one thousand six hundred ffifty twoe. By the Oathes of Jane Russell, Martha Jacob and Bridgett Graile Executors named in the said will. To whom was committed Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased. They being first sworne truly to administer the same.//
Will of JOYCE SCUDDER of Halse 1659
I JOYCE SCUDDER OF HALSE in the parish of Brackley and County of Northampton widow Being in perfect memory Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge:
Item; I give to my daughter Blancon All the goods and household stuffs that is in this house of mine and my smale? Rings and my Silver Salte and two Silver spoons.
Item; I give to my Sonne Vincent Savage one hundred Pounds to be paid a year after my decease and two Silver spoons and two pairs of fflannell sheetes and two pairs of pillow bearers?.
Item; I give to my daughter Wallbanke all the goods that she has of mine in her house and my Diamond Ring and two Silver spoons and my Gold chaine and my hot water Sellar? and a little Silver Fruit?dish and my best and a Table Cloth and a dozen of napkins of Damask.
Item; I give to my Grandaughter Joyce Giles one Hundred pounds the ffiftie in one that I owe her all to bee paid her within a year after my Decease and a sett of Curtains and a ffeather Bedd and Bolster, and and a fleece? Bedd and Blanketts and Ruggs. Besides the things I have given her already and I give her one Silver spoon and my Leather gloves.
Item; I give to my Grandaughter Sarah Savage ffiftie pounds to be paid foure yeares after my decease. But if she dies before then I give it to my sonne Vincent Savage.
Item; I give to my daughter Blancon, my daughter Wallbanke and my Grandaughter Joyce Giles my remaining? Clothes and my Linen that is not disposed of already to be equally divided.
Item; I will and bequeath unto my Sonne Nathanial Blancon which I make my sole Executor my Lease of Halse, all that part I have in it, with all my Stalls? of Cattell att Halse and Farthingly, of Beasts, Sheppe, Horses, Lands and all things belonging thereunto, the Furnace, the pot, and a kettle, for to make his and a brasse panne and ten lynen napkins and Table Clothes, a Cupboard clothe that belongs upp in his chamber, and the to sit, and my Silver Caddy? which is instead of Joyce Giles her Tablings and my Chairs in my Chamber, all wood standing in Spring? in Halse, the hoggs, and bacon, Tubs and Irone dripping panne, with six pewter dishes, Hoggsheads, Barrels, G , Livers and ings, my Redde Rugge to be exchanged for such out of my Sonnes, what hath been bought between me and my son Nathanial I give him. and alsoe Grain? and Mault.
Item; I do allow for funerall arrangements ten pounds
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this third day of March One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine.
Joyce Scudder
In the presence of Joyce Giles, Thomas L......., Roger T......, mark of Abigail Sanders.
That it is my will that my Daughter Wallbanke shall have twenty pounds of that hundred pounds written on the other side of my will to my Grandaughter Joyce Giles and also Joyce my own daughter Wallbanke the ffeather Bedd and Bolster and a sugar dish of Silver and a Silver Ladle and another little Silver dish not given before by my said will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the Seventeenth day of March One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine
Joyce Scudder
In the presence of Vincent Juppe
Probate London to Nathanial Blancon Anno Domini 1660
I JOYCE SCUDDER OF HALSE in the parish of Brackley and County of Northampton widow Being in perfect memory Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge:
Item; I give to my daughter Blancon All the goods and household stuffs that is in this house of mine and my smale? Rings and my Silver Salte and two Silver spoons.
Item; I give to my Sonne Vincent Savage one hundred Pounds to be paid a year after my decease and two Silver spoons and two pairs of fflannell sheetes and two pairs of pillow bearers?.
Item; I give to my daughter Wallbanke all the goods that she has of mine in her house and my Diamond Ring and two Silver spoons and my Gold chaine and my hot water Sellar? and a little Silver Fruit?dish and my best and a Table Cloth and a dozen of napkins of Damask.
Item; I give to my Grandaughter Joyce Giles one Hundred pounds the ffiftie in one that I owe her all to bee paid her within a year after my Decease and a sett of Curtains and a ffeather Bedd and Bolster, and and a fleece? Bedd and Blanketts and Ruggs. Besides the things I have given her already and I give her one Silver spoon and my Leather gloves.
Item; I give to my Grandaughter Sarah Savage ffiftie pounds to be paid foure yeares after my decease. But if she dies before then I give it to my sonne Vincent Savage.
Item; I give to my daughter Blancon, my daughter Wallbanke and my Grandaughter Joyce Giles my remaining? Clothes and my Linen that is not disposed of already to be equally divided.
Item; I will and bequeath unto my Sonne Nathanial Blancon which I make my sole Executor my Lease of Halse, all that part I have in it, with all my Stalls? of Cattell att Halse and Farthingly, of Beasts, Sheppe, Horses, Lands and all things belonging thereunto, the Furnace, the pot, and a kettle, for to make his and a brasse panne and ten lynen napkins and Table Clothes, a Cupboard clothe that belongs upp in his chamber, and the to sit, and my Silver Caddy? which is instead of Joyce Giles her Tablings and my Chairs in my Chamber, all wood standing in Spring? in Halse, the hoggs, and bacon, Tubs and Irone dripping panne, with six pewter dishes, Hoggsheads, Barrels, G , Livers and ings, my Redde Rugge to be exchanged for such out of my Sonnes, what hath been bought between me and my son Nathanial I give him. and alsoe Grain? and Mault.
Item; I do allow for funerall arrangements ten pounds
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this third day of March One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine.
Joyce Scudder
In the presence of Joyce Giles, Thomas L......., Roger T......, mark of Abigail Sanders.
That it is my will that my Daughter Wallbanke shall have twenty pounds of that hundred pounds written on the other side of my will to my Grandaughter Joyce Giles and also Joyce my own daughter Wallbanke the ffeather Bedd and Bolster and a sugar dish of Silver and a Silver Ladle and another little Silver dish not given before by my said will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the Seventeenth day of March One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Nine
Joyce Scudder
In the presence of Vincent Juppe
Probate London to Nathanial Blancon Anno Domini 1660
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